How to be safe from getting hacked?

Gaining a unauthorized access to data in a system is called a hacking. Now days many types of hacking attacks are performing and new types of technique are inventing. Today in this blog you are going to know how to be safe from hackers. Here, some ways are mention below


1.Use a strong password:

You have always try to make your password more hard. The brute-force attack is very common hacking technique through which attackers simply try to find password from the combination of random text and numbers. So here some tips are mentioned, make sure you will take care of that while making password

a. Try to use special symbol in your password like ~!@#$%^&*

b. Always try to keep at least one capital letter in your password.

c. Make sure that your password length be longer than 7 characters.

d. Don’t ever put password from common names or dictionary words because dictionary words can be scanned as your password.

If you still have a trouble to find best password for yourself, go on password generator websites generate passwords then use it. If you have a trouble of forgetting a password make notes or memorize it nicely.

2. Don’t access your personal information or financial data in public WIFI:

One of the most common and serious threats concerns that of personal information like Login credentials, financial information personal data ,pictures ,etc. If a hacker gets access to your device through the compromised public WIFI connection, they have free access above everything stored in your devices . The most common way man in the middle attacked can be easily perform in that kind of public WIFI. Attackers can be like middle man between you and your WIFI and steal your data when you are connected through their WIFI. If possible don’t use public WIFI if it isn’t possible never ever login your bank accounts ,personal data ,business works data in public WIFI.

3.Update regularly:

At First you have to know why the update is most important . When developers make something changes in the existing software they launch update through which users can use new features. Not only the new features developers also fix the bugs in the pervious versions of the software. If you still use older version there are many types of methods to attack so keep your device software and operating system updated. Hacking a Updated version is much more hard, so don’t avoid updates.

4.Don’t reuse same password everywhere:

Some peoples reuse their password everywhere . This is a very bad practice ,if somehow your one account been hacked attackers can also gain access in your all accounts too. Think wisely before reusing password. If there is a problem of remembering different passwords you can make strong common password for those account which are less important but don’t keep same passwords for your bank accounts.

5.Don’t visit unauthorized sites:

There is no proper cyber ethics followed by that types of websites. The website contain toxic malwares, malwares can hide themselves and send information about you with attackers. So always try to visit only genuine and authorized sites . Now days spam’s like “you won crorepati” are just for make you fool.

6. Never login your account’s anywhere or Be far from fake sites

Now days a phishing attack is very popular hacking attack. Actually in a phishing attack, attacker make fake site look like a real site and send you a link, if you enter there it would be look like real and you entered your password there then in spite of submitting a password in site server it would forward your account detail’s and ip adress to hackers then attackers can gain your access. Now in online games many free coin collector site, diamond giving sites, bundle providing sites are in existence just to take your account access. Many types of fake online earning websites ,gift providing sites are in internet . Here are some common tips to safe from this

a. Always look at the website names.
b. http stand for hypertext transport protocol and https stand for hyper text transport protocol secure so visit only https sites.
c. always visit real looking domain names like .com ,.edu ,.gov etc.

7. Use two way verification in your accounts:
Most peoples know about 2 way Verification but some people still doesn’t know what it is and how does it work. 2 way verification provides you a extra layer of security features, In this feature you have to also provide otp(one time password) code with password to gain access to your account . Make sure to enable this feature in your important account

8. Use find my device application and antivirus:
Now days there is a feature to track your phone and if your phone get lost you can simply remove all accounts and data from this phone to make your data safe. Antivirus help us to scan hidden malware from our device. Malware can be modified and get attached to other files so we can’t see them so keep antivirus, keep updating, keep scanning. You also have to take care about the permission which you allow to the applications to use .

This is all things you have to know for your safety remaining topics about hacking will be covered in upcoming blog soon.
Yubraj khatri

hey guys, i am yubraj khatri from tulsipur 3 dang.

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